I know this is an old article but I wanted to touch on it. Your solution to Derren's trick would be the obvious one, but in the TV-presented version of the trick, two very big things take part that mean your theory can't be true. The first: The losing ticket never leaves the hand of the "punter". He's actually looking at the losing ticket as he walks right up to the window and slides it under. He says the words as Derren told him (not very convincingly). Secondly, the "worker" scans the ticket, says it lost on the machine, and then she slides it back. Derren then intervenes as he realizes it didn't work the first time (again, probably because the punter didn't really 'sell' it). Without anyone touching it or going near it, she takes the ticket back and says it's now a winner. After filming, she says "it was weird, I scanned it and it said it lost, but then it didn't or something, I"m not sure, it was really weird".

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David, thank you for writing. I can see that I may be wrong on this, but here are two thoughts

First, my theory is that Derren's trick essentially relies on giving people a false story which acts as misdirection from the mundane reality of how the trick is done. This theory can survive me being wrong about the exact mechanism (and since I don't believe Derren really is psychic, there must be some mundane mechanism)

Second, on the mechanism. Like I say, I may be wrong, but my time working briefly in documentaries gave me a deep superstition for editing, and how true footage gave be put together to imply things which didn't happen. Before I conceded that what I've claimed can't be true, I'd want to re-watch the show *very* closely.

Thanks for reading and writing. What's your theory on how Derren did the trick?

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