Mar 25, 2023Liked by Tom Stafford

Outstanding, thank you. It’s very hard to notice an intuitive attribution like human agency that is so much a part of the fabric of our daily social life. Very smart and knowledgeable people are just as prone to it as the less so. I’m strongly in agreement that this genre of technology is better framed as a potential enhancement to the human brains it builds upon than as a competing “intelligence.”

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Tom Stafford

Interesting article.

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Great article.

A small thing, I think here 'A very enjoyable discussion ensured on the mailing list' you mean ensued?

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Thanks! That is exactly what I meant and I have edited now to correct. I will have the proofreader disciplined

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Tom Stafford

No worries! Wouldn't want to cost the proofreader their job in this economy ;)

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